Friday, 10 July 2015

New Programme Now Available.

The last year seems to have sped past and it is time to release our new programme for 2015-16 which starts in September.  You can find it on the tab at the top of the page.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Thank You Time!

First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who helped to make our first show such a success. As Chair, I have been showered with compliments and have been busy giving credit to all of you. . . . Roundabout Quilters should be very proud of themselves. 

 On Wednesday, I was able to thank North Hampshire Quilters personally but I also want to thank Loddon Quilters. Both groups willingly gave us information, support and help, most generously. They were also kind enough to come along themselves and have a look. So, thank you everyone! Our next show will be in two years’ time.



Roundabout Quilters have a responsibility to do what we can to keep our members safe when attending meetings and engaging in group activitie...